Список статей по теме:
Когерентное ядерное резонансное рассеяние синхротронного излучения


R. Callens, C. L'abbe, J. Meersschaut, I. Serdons, W. Sturhahn and T. S. Toellner
"Determination of the magnetic spin direction from the nuclear forward-scattering line intensities"
J. Synchr. Rad. (2007). 14, 366-371  

V.G. Kohn, G.V. Smirnov
"On the theory of nuclear resonant forward scattering of synchrotron radiation",
Phys. Rev. B. 2007, vol. 76, N. 104438, p. 1-6.





Андреева М.А., Линдгрен Б. 
"Эффекты кинематического и динамического рассеяния в мессбауэровских спектрах брэгговского отражения"
Поверхность, 2003, Љ 1, с.12-17

W.Potzel, U,van Burck, P.Schindelmann, H.Hagn, G.V.Smirnov, S.L.Popov, E.Gerdau, Yu.V.ShvydϢko, J.Jascke, H.D.Ruter, A.I.Chumakov, and R.Ruffer 
"Interference effects of radiation emitted from nuclear excitons"  
Hyp. Int., 151/152 (2003) 263-281. 

Yu.V. Shvyd'ko, M. Lerche, H.-C. Wille, E. Gerdau, M. Lucht, H.D. Ruter, E.E. Alp, R. Khachatryan
"X-Ray Interferometry with Microelectronvolt Resolution"
Phys. Rev. Lett., 90 (2003) 013904, 1-4.


Е.А. Попов, Е.А. Январев
"Изучение парамагнитной релаксации в белковых комплексах с помощью ядерного резонансного рассеяния синхротронного излучения"
Поверхность, 2002, Љ 8, с.

Е. А. Попов
"Гамма-эхо в ядерном резонансном малоугловом рассеянии синхротронного излучения" 
Поверхность, 2002, Љ 8, с.

M.A.Andreeva, V.G.Semenov, B.Lindgren, J.Z.Haeggstroem, B.Kalska, A.I.Chumakov, O.Leupold, R.Rueffer, K.A.Prokhorov, and N.N.Salashchenko,  
"Interface sensitive investigation of 57Fe/Cr superstructure by means of nuclear resonance standing waves in time scale" 
Hyp. Int., 141-142 (2002) 119-123. 

P.Schindelmann, U.van Burck, W.Potzel, G.V.Smirnov, S.L.Popov, E.Gerdau, Yu.V.Shvyd'ko, J.Jaschke, H.D.Ruter, A.I.Chumakov and R.Ruffer
"Radoative decoupling and coupling of nuclear oscillators by stepwise Doppler-energy shifts"
Phys. Rev. A, 65 (2002) 023804-17


В.А. Беляков, С.В. Семенов                                               
"Мессбауэровская оптика синхротронного излучения на изотопной границе"
Поверхность, 2001, Љ 1, с.48-55

Когерентное мессбауэровское рассеяние синхротронного излучения через каскад мессбауэровских переходов при скользящих углах падения 
В.А. Беляков, Ю.М. Айвазян                                               
Поверхность, 2001, Љ 2, с.18-24

H.Paulsen, H.Grunsteudel, W.Meyer-Klaucke, M.Gerdan, H.F.Grunsteudel, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer, H.Winkler, H.Toftlund, and A.X.Trautwein
"The spin-crossover complex [Fe(tpa)(NCS)2] Investigated by synchrotron-radiation based spectroscopies" 
Euro. Phys. J. B, 23 (2001) 463-472. 

A.I.Troyan, A.G.Gavrilyuk, V.A.Sarkisyan, I.S.Lubutin, R.Ruffer, O.Leupold, A.Barla, B.Doyle, and A.I.Chumakov 
"Transition from the antiferromagnetic to a nonmagnetic state in FeBO3 under high pressure" 
JETP Letters, 74 (2001) 24-27 
Письма в ЖЭТФ, 74 (2001) 26-29 

G. V. Smirnov, V. G. Kohn, W. Petry
"Dynamics of electron density in a medium revealed by Mossbauer time domain interferometry"
Phys. Rev. B., 2001, vol. 63, 144303, p. 1-9. 

W. Sturhahn
"Phase problem in synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy"
Phys. Rev. B, 63 (2001) 094105

M.A.Andreeva, V.G.Semenov, L.Haggstrom, B.Lindgren, B.Kalska, A.I.Chumakov, O.Leupold, R.Ruffer, K.A.Prokhorov, and N.N.Salashchenko 
"Interface selective investigations of 57Fe/Cr multilayer by nuclear-resonance Bragg reflectivity in time scale"
The Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol. 91, Suppl. 1, 2001, pp. 522-527. 


В.А. Беляков, С.В. Семенов
Мессбауэровская оптика синхротронного излучения на изотопной границе
"ЖЭТФ, 117 N.2 (2000) 329-341"

C.Keppler, K.Achterhold, A.Ostermann, U.van Burck, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer, W.Sturhahn, E.E.Alp, and F.Parak, 
"Nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation by deoxymyoglobin" 
Euro. Biophys. J., 29 (2000) 146-152. 

W. Potzel, U. van Burck, P. Schindelmann, G.M. Kalvius, G.V. Smirnov, E.Gerdau, Yu.V. Shvyd'ko, H.D. Ruter, O. Leupold
"Investigation of radiative coupling and enlarged decay rates of nuclear oscillators"
Phys. Rev. A 63 (2000) 043810

Yu.V. Shvyd'ko, M. Lerche, J. Jaschke, M. Lucht, E. Gerdau, M. Gerken, H.D. Ruter, H.-C. Wille, P. Becker, E.E. Alp, W. Sturhahn, J. Sutter, T.S. Toellner
"gamma-Ray Wavelength Standard for Atomic Scales"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, N.3 (2000) 495-8

R. Rohlsberger, T.S. Toellner, W. Sturhahn, K.W. Quast, E.E. Alp, A. Bernhard, E.Burkel, O. Leupold, E. Gerdau
"Coherent Resonant X-Ray Scattering from a Rotating Medium"
Phys. Rev. Lett., 84 N.5 (2000) 1007-10


М.А. Андреева, К.М. Иркаев, Л.А. Прохоров, Н.Н. Салащенко, В.Г. Семенов, А.И. Чумаков, Р. Рюффер
"Ядерная оптика скользящего падения для синхротронного излучения"
Поверхность, 1999, N.1, 61-74   
   M.A.Andreeva, C.M.Irkaev, K.A.Prokhorov, N.N.Salashchenko, V.G.Semenov, A.I.Chumakov and R.Ruffer
   "Grazing incidence nuclear optics for synchrotron radiation"
   Surface investigation, 15 (1999) 83-101,

М.А. Андреева, Н.В. Андронова, С.М. Иркаев, В.Г. Семенов, А.И. Чечин 
Проблемы и перспективы временной Мессабауэровской спектроскопии с использованием синхротронного излучения 
Поверхность, 1999, N2, 114-121

V. G. Kohn, G. V. Smirnov
"Synchrotron radiation time spectra affected by diffusion of nuclei: theory."
Hyp. Int., 1999, vol. 123/124, p. 327-345 

A.I.Chumakov, L.Niesen, D.L.Nagy and E.E.Alp
"Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by multilayer structures" 
Hyp. Int. 123/124 (1999) 427-454.  

O.Leupold, A.I.Chumakov, E.E.Alp, W.Sturhahn and A.Q.R.Baron
"Noniron isotopes"
Hyp. Int., 123/124 (1999) 611-631.

U. van Burck, W. Potzel, P. Schindelmann, Yu.V. Shvyd'ko, E.Gerdau, O. Leupold, H.D. Ruter
"Pulse propagation of synchrotron radiation through a nuclear two-resonance system"
Phys. Rev. A, 61 (1999) 013803

Yu. V. Shvyd'ko
"Nuclear resonant forward scattering of x-rays: Time and space picture"
Phys. Rev. B, 59 N.14 (1999) 9132-9143

Olga Kocharovskaya, Roman Kolesov, Yuri Rostovtsev
"Coherent Optical Control of Mossbauer Spectra"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 3593-3596


H.F.Grunsteudel, H.-J.Hesse, R.Ruffer, G.Wortmann, A.I.Chumakov, A.Q.R.Baron, H.Grunsteudel, O.Leupold, and J.Metge
"Spatual distribution of magnetic and nonmagnetic phases in nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation" 
Australian J. Phys., 51 (1998) 453-458. 

W. Sturhahn, E.E. Alp, T.S. Toellner, P. Hession, M. Hu, J. Sutter
"Introduction to nuclear resonant scattering with synchrotron radiation"
Hyp. Int. 113 (1998) 47-58

O.Leupold, A.Bernhard, E.Gerdau, J.Jaschke, H.D.Ruter, Yu.Shvydko, H. de Waard, E.E.Alp, P.Hession, M.Hu, W.Sturhahn, J.Sutter, T.Toelner, A.I.Chumakov, J.Metge, R.Ruffer
"Relaxation experiments with synchrotron radiation"
Hyp. Int., 113 (1998) 81-95

H.Grunsteudel, H.Paulsen, W.Meyer-Klaucke, H.Winkler, A.X.Trautwein, H.F.Grunsteudel, A.Q.R.Baron, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer and H.Toftlund
"Nuclear resonant scattering and molecular orbital calculations on an iron(II) spin-crossover complex"
Hyp. Int., 113 (1998) 311-317

В. Г. Кон, А. И. Чумаков, Р. Рюффер
"Чисто ядерное резонансное рассеяние синхротронного излучения многослойной структурой. Теоретический анализ для 189Tm"
ЖЭТФ, 1998, т. 114, в. 1, с. 3-22
V.G.Kohn, A.I.Chumakov, and R.Ruffer
Pure nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by a multilayer structure: theoretical analysis for 169Tm,
JETP, 87 (1998) 1-11.

V.A.Belyakov, Yu.M.Aivazian
"Dynamical theory of coherent excitation of x-ray cascade by synchrotron radiation"
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A405 (1998) 331-336

Yu.V. Shvyd'ko, U. van Burck, W. Potzel, P. Schindelmann, E. Gerdau, O. Leupold, J. Metge, H.D. Ruter and G.V. Smirnov
"Hybrid beat in nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation"
Phys. Rev. B, 57, N.6 (1998) 3552-3561

V. G. Kohn, G. V. Smirnov
"Theory of nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation in the presence of diffusive motion of nuclei. II."
Phys. Rev. B., 1998, vol. 57, N. 10, p. 5788-5797. 

L.Niesen, A.Mugarza, M.F.Rosu, R.Coehoorn, R.M.Jungblut, F.Rooseboom, A.Q.R.Baron, A.I.Chumakov, and R.Ruffer
"Magnetic behavior pf probe layers of 57Fe in thing Fe films observed by means of nuclear scattering of synchrotron radiation"
Phys. Rev. B, 58 (1998) 8590-8595


B. Sepiol, A. Meyer, V. G. Kohn, R. Ruffer, H. Franz, G. Vogl
"First study of a diffusion mechanism with synchrotron radiation."
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 1997, vol. 143-147, p. 1311

G.V.Smirnov, U.van Burck, A.I.Chumakov, A.Q.R.Baron, and R.Ruffer,
"Synchrotron Mossbauer source" 
Phys. Rev. B, 55 (1997) 5811-5815.

A.I.Chumakov, J.Metge, A.Q.R.Baron, R.Ruffer, Yu.V.Shvydko, H.Grunsteudel, and H.F.Grunsteudel 
"Radiation trapping in nuclear resonant scattering of X-rays" 
Phys. Rev. B, 56 (1997) 8455-8458. 

A.Q.R.Baron, H.Franz, A.Meyer, R.Ruffer, A.I.Chumakov, E.Burkel, and W.Petry 
"Quasielastic scattering of synchrotron radiation by time domain interferometry" 
Phys. Rev. Lett., 78 (1997) 2823-2826. 



A.Q.R.Baron, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer, H.Grunsteudel, H.F.Grunsteudel, and O.Leupold, 
"Single-nucleus quantum beats excited by synchrotron radiation" 
Europhys. Lett., 34, (1996) 331-336.

O.Leupold, J.Poolmann, E.Gerdau, H.D.Ruter, G.Faigel, M.Tegze, G.Bortel, R.Ruffer, A.I.Chumakov, and A.Q.R.Baron 
"Nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation at the 21.5 keV resonance of 151Eu" 
Europhys. Lett., 35, (1996) 671-675.
H.F. Grunsteudel, H.-J. Hesse, A.I. Chumakov, H. Grunsteudel, O. Leupold, J. Metge, R. Ruffer, G. Wortmann, 
"The a-Fe / e-Fe transition as an example of nuclear forward scattering on 57Fe under high pressure" 
Hyp. Int., 97/98 (1996) 509-512. 

B.Sepiol, A.Meyer, G.Vogl, R.Ruffer, A.I.Chumakov, and A.Q.R.Baron, 
"Time domain study of 57Fe diffusion using nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation" 
Phys. Rev. Lett., 76 (1996) 3220-3223.

G.V.Smirnov, U.van Burck, J.Arthur, S.L.Popov, A.Q.R.Baron, A.I.Chumakov, S.L.Ruby, W.Potzel, and G.S.Brown, 
Nuclear exciton echo produced by ultrasound in forward scattering of synchrotron radiation, 
Phys. Rev. Lett., 77 (1996) 183-186.

Yu.V.Shvyd'ko, T.Hertrich, U. van Burck, E.Gerdau, O.Leupold, J.Metge, H.D.Ruter, S.Schwendy, G.V.Smirnov, W.Potzel and P. Schindelmann
"Storage of Nuclear Excitation Energy through Magnetic Switching"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 N.15 (1996) 3232-3235

A.Q.R.Baron, A.I.Chumakov, H.F.Grunsteudel, H.Grunsteudel, L.Niesen, and R.Ruffer, 
"Transverse X-ray coherence in nuclear scattering of synchrotron radiation" 
Phys. Rev. Lett., 77 N.23 (1996) 4808-4811. 


X.Zhang, Y.Yoda, M.Seto, Y.Maeda, M.Ando, S.Kikuta
"Nuclear Excitation of 57Fe Ions in Hydrochloric Acid Solution Using Synchrotron Radiation"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34 (1995) L330-L333

V. G. Kohn, Yu. V. Shvyd'ko
"Coherent Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation Pulse by Nuclei in Vibrating Crystals."
J. Phys. C: Solid State, 1995, vol. 7, p. 7589-7600. 

V.A.Belyakov, Yu.M.Aivazian
Dynamical diffraction theory of Mossbauer cascade excitation by synchrotron radiation
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A359 (1995) 190-194

G. V. Smirnov, V. G. Kohn
"On the Theory of Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation in the Presence of Diffusive Motion of Nuclei."
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T.S.Toellner, W.Sturhahn, R.Rohlsberger, E.E.Alp, C.H.Sowers, E.E.Fullerton
"Observation of Pure Nuclear Diffraction from a Fe/Cr Antiferromagnetic Multilayer"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 N.17 (1995) 3475-3478

A.Q.R. Baron, A.I. Chumakov, J. Arthur, S.L. Ruby, G.S. Brown, G.V. Smirnov, U. van Burck, 
"Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by gaseous krypton" 
Phys.Rev.B, 51 (1995) 16384-16387. 

A.I. Chumakov, A.Q.R. Baron, J. Arthur, S.L. Ruby, G.S. Brown, G.V. Smirnov, U. van Burck, G. Wortmann, 
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В. Г. Кон
"Теория когерентного резонансного рассеяния гамма-излучения регулярной системой ядер в кристалле в условиях многоволновой дифракции."
ЖЭТФ, 1994, т. 105, в. 3, с. 665-682. 

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"Fast switching of nuclear Bragg scattering of synchrotron radiation by a pulsed magnetic field" 
Europhys. Lett. 26, 215-220 (1994). 

S.L.Popov, G.V.Smirnov, U.van Burck and W.Potzel
Interferometry in Energy Space using Mossbauer Radiation
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"Evaluation of time-differential measurements of nuclear-resonance scattering of x-rays"
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